Why most people are Right Handed?

February 09, 2014

Generally, 'Handedness' can be of two types - right handed or left handed. It is preference of an individual to perform a task better. If we dig further, there are cases of mixed handedness as well. 

Most people we know are right handed and it has always interested me that why most people are right handed and if someone is lefty is that genetic or by choice or what? It might seem a very simple question but it's actually one of the most mysterious question of all times.

In school, when some fellow students used to write with left hand, it was seen as an 'odd' thing and carried image of 'something not right about it'. Lefty students were sometimes forced to change to right handed as if being lefty was criminal. Very Strange!

For facts, roughly about 70-80% of Men and 80-90% of Women are right handed. Among them exists, 30% of population which possess mixed handedness i.e. change of hand preference during of task or as per their liking.

Genetic facts are major reason for a child being born as left handed or right handed. A study of about 25k families says that if both the parents are left handed, there is 26% chance of child being born left handed. However, the same does not stand true for right handed parents.

It is also said that a person's handedness was opposite from the hemisphere of the brain which is specialised for language. Another theory that surfaced said handedness has a lot to do with how one's brain evolves in the womb. 

(Image shows of the specific traits carried by left handed and right handed people)

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Over the years, theory of handedness have been supported by various theories but nothing conclusive has emerged. Have you ever come across any specific trait being a right handed or left handed?


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