Why do Boys wear low waist jeans?

December 27, 2011

Wearing low waist denims - below the butt has become a fashion of sorts and is seen as cool by some sector of young generation. But di you know it originated as a signal of being Homosexual? Or impress women? 

The history behind wearing low waist jeans goes back to the 19th century to the Jails of USA. The prisoners who were willing to have sex with other prisoners used wearing low waist jeans - below your butts as signal of intention.

By wearing jeans below their butts prisoners shared signals fooling policemen.

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Low waist jeans became a rage in 1960s with ascendance of hippi culture. Over the next few decades, brands like Calvin Klien and Gloria began to market it more and more. Now it has become a fashion symbol.

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  1. As far as wikipedia goes, the history of sagging(low waist jeans) is as follows:

    Wikipedia: According to Greg Mathis, sagging was adopted from the United States prison system where belts are sometimes prohibited[3] to prevent prisoners from using them as weapons or committing suicide by hanging themselves. The style was later popularized by hip-hop artists in the 1990s. It later became a symbol of freedom and cultural awareness among some youths or a symbol of their rejection of the values of mainstream society.

  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagging_(fashion)

  3. "Symbol Of Their Rejection Of The Values Of Mainstream Society"? And What The Acceptance Of Those Values That Land You In Prison So You Can Sport The Look? All I'm Saying Is Why Even Wear The Belt If The Pants Are Going To Be So Low That It Forces Everyone Else To See Your Boxers And Show Your Shit Like That....

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. that's only Funking ................ rebish think.... I don't believe it ... signal of being Homosexual ............... it's..jus rebish rebish n fucking rebish ....... ..... .... ... .... !!!!! :P :P :P :P :P :P :P maa choo Bande nu fuddu .... khichiya .. hooya aa ..!!!!.

    1. no its true..basically its called sagging. sagging

      wearing ones pants around the hips so that they sag down and bunch up around the ankles. Originally, this was a prison thing that signified that you were another prisoner's property, ie bitch. Punks were forced to wear their pants this way so it would be easier for their masters to pull their pants down and butt-fuck them. Somehow this became a 1990's fashion trend. I learned this from watching a TV special on prison life. The inmate who related the story was an elderly black gentleman who had been sentenced to life in prison and had been there for over fifty years. He marveled how such a mark of shame became a fashion statement.


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