Since the era of mankind exists, there exists - "Battle of sexes" and it famously brought up line - men are from mars, women from venus and since the time smartphones have come into existence, it has made way for a new battle cutting across countries, generations and smartphones.
In the world of of instant messaging, which is no less than oxygen to smartphone users, it is famously called - Whatsapp vs BBM. The war has become intense than ever coutrsey BBM being introduced to Android and iOS (Read More - BBM moves to Android and iOS)
No matter where i go, whoever i talk to, this debate doesnt seem to end, so i decided to find out which is better on broadly three counts - Reach, Cost and Features.
Before i reach down to technical aspects, will share with you few of the reactions that i got when i went down asking my friends the same question - Whatsapp or BBM? and this is what they had to say -
"Buying a BB is like getting your first job in MNC - the one's outside are eager to get in and the one's in feel helpless."
"Whatsapp is like a middle class app, BBM is like high class"
"Buying BB just for BBM is like marrying just for sex, that too paid"
"BBM is the worst thing that happened to us Indians, because our breed speaclizes in invading provacy !!! Random people start to ask for pin before number, thats when i started collecting funds for S3 and in India, BBM means .. teen sau rupay mein jitni marzi bakwass!!! "
and on .. and on ... Now, lets get down some more so logical stuff -
Fellow blogger, Jasmeet Kukreja, author of - Emotestar, says - Do i even need to say who win this segment hands on, spreading cross almost every OS working globally - Whatsapp caters to every smartphone user where as BBM satisfies just the "we are the BB boys" (and girls) paid need.
Also, she adds - whatsapp came after BBM, hence to be fair to BBM it is very evident that whatsapp has tried to imitate BBM on counter platforms with advanced features.
Whatsapp comes with one year free usage and then it charges $1 (Rs 55-56) every year for the app thing, the better part is it runs on your normal data plans, no extra cost like BBM where u have to incurr additional cost to get BB services, i know there lies an option to choose just BBM plan but it still calls for a high additional cost.
When i go about asking people who use BB - whats the difference between using BBM and Whatsapp and the most common answer i have contend with is "there's something about BBM thats not about whatsapp" and till date that "something" hasnt found a name :P. What i think is, its the feeling of paying extra bucks for something whose rival is for free :P
Also, Whatsapp scans your contacts using whatsapp automatically and you don't need to manually add again which saves the effort of adding your friends again but it has a flip side too, you can filter the people you want on BBM.
Where BBM scores over Whatsapp is - it is slightly faster than whatsapp anyday. Also, whatsapp might skip to send your text once in a blue moon, BBM is cent percent efficient and hard working.
BBM is like wife, it runs with you until you don't turn off your BB whereas Whatsapp is like your space giving girlfriend, you can choose to stay away and stay close ;)
Before i conclude, one significant consideration that didnt't want to miss is, in country like India where smartphone users feel pride in changing phone every year, in case of a BB they will have to circulate their BBM Pin again and gather contacts again which is not the case with whatsapp. You change your handset more often than your number.
No matter what i conclude, this epic battle shall never die down. The BB boys will always believe BBM wins come what may and more so greater smartphone audience including apple users would stay with whatsapp happy happy :)
In the world of of instant messaging, which is no less than oxygen to smartphone users, it is famously called - Whatsapp vs BBM. The war has become intense than ever coutrsey BBM being introduced to Android and iOS (Read More - BBM moves to Android and iOS)
No matter where i go, whoever i talk to, this debate doesnt seem to end, so i decided to find out which is better on broadly three counts - Reach, Cost and Features.
Before i reach down to technical aspects, will share with you few of the reactions that i got when i went down asking my friends the same question - Whatsapp or BBM? and this is what they had to say -
"Buying a BB is like getting your first job in MNC - the one's outside are eager to get in and the one's in feel helpless."
"Whatsapp is like a middle class app, BBM is like high class"
"Buying BB just for BBM is like marrying just for sex, that too paid"
"BBM is the worst thing that happened to us Indians, because our breed speaclizes in invading provacy !!! Random people start to ask for pin before number, thats when i started collecting funds for S3 and in India, BBM means .. teen sau rupay mein jitni marzi bakwass!!! "
and on .. and on ... Now, lets get down some more so logical stuff -

Also, she adds - whatsapp came after BBM, hence to be fair to BBM it is very evident that whatsapp has tried to imitate BBM on counter platforms with advanced features.
Whatsapp comes with one year free usage and then it charges $1 (Rs 55-56) every year for the app thing, the better part is it runs on your normal data plans, no extra cost like BBM where u have to incurr additional cost to get BB services, i know there lies an option to choose just BBM plan but it still calls for a high additional cost.
When i go about asking people who use BB - whats the difference between using BBM and Whatsapp and the most common answer i have contend with is "there's something about BBM thats not about whatsapp" and till date that "something" hasnt found a name :P. What i think is, its the feeling of paying extra bucks for something whose rival is for free :P
Also, Whatsapp scans your contacts using whatsapp automatically and you don't need to manually add again which saves the effort of adding your friends again but it has a flip side too, you can filter the people you want on BBM.
Where BBM scores over Whatsapp is - it is slightly faster than whatsapp anyday. Also, whatsapp might skip to send your text once in a blue moon, BBM is cent percent efficient and hard working.
BBM is like wife, it runs with you until you don't turn off your BB whereas Whatsapp is like your space giving girlfriend, you can choose to stay away and stay close ;)
Before i conclude, one significant consideration that didnt't want to miss is, in country like India where smartphone users feel pride in changing phone every year, in case of a BB they will have to circulate their BBM Pin again and gather contacts again which is not the case with whatsapp. You change your handset more often than your number.
No matter what i conclude, this epic battle shall never die down. The BB boys will always believe BBM wins come what may and more so greater smartphone audience including apple users would stay with whatsapp happy happy :)
We regularly change our mobile handsets but the with introduction of MNP, we never change our Mobile Number
ReplyDeleteAs BBM is linked to Mobile Handset and WhatsApp is linked to Mobile Handset, I think WhatsApp is a better option as we regularly change our handsets but barely change our mobile numbers.
Hah, I think you are not a BB user. BBM contacts can be recovered from email accounts associated with BBM backup Service.
DeleteIts not only about BBM contacts, you can recover BB contacts, Profile, Calenderes, memos, docs etc......... within a minute.
Do you even need to compare BBM and Whatsapp? Whatsapp is the winner. As far as features are concerned a better contest will be between new cross platform messengers such as Samsung's ChatON or Ebuddy XMS, the latter working like BBM by generating a Pin, and are picking up pace because they are free.
ReplyDeleteGood stuff Bhavnoor! I use both BBM and whatsapp...somehow I find BBM more user friendly!
ReplyDeleteBBM is protected by 128 bit encryption(BIS users). Nobody can read the messages.. that's why BBM has a STATUS. and whatsapp?? huh... whatsapp is popular among college goers and gprs users. whatsapp is hackable.. it has many bugs..
ReplyDelete"On January 6, 2012 an unknown hacker published a website ( which made it possible to change the status of an arbitrary whatsapp user, as long as the phone number was known".
BBM is pure corporate messaging where security is most important. No wonder then Indian Govt is asking for BBM keys while nothing is being looked into for whatsapp. BBM is real time secured communication, whatsapp is nothing but free SMS !! I have BB Bold & Samsung S, use BB for work, and it is cheap whatsapp for friends. BBM is like private car, whatsapp is a cab.
ReplyDeleteI too am a bbm user n let me tell u wts dat smthing dat distinguishes bbm frm whatsapp.....wid bbm u actually feel connected...if ur frnd changes his dp or status or listens to any song it is displayed in ur recent updates section...while its nt d case wid whatsapp where u hv 2 go to ur favourites n check odrs' profiles......u cn also play games wid ur frns via bbm which u cannot do wid whatsapp
ReplyDeleteHope dis helped
Thanks for bringing these points to notice
Deletethats why BBM is much better than whatsapp or wechat
DeleteU cn also hv a prsnl msg along wid ur status on bbm.....u cn also hv animated DPs.....bbm also offers many features in its groups itself such as grup calender, grup lists, etc.
ReplyDeleteQR code scanner is anodr feature
N nw u cn also call ur bbm frns over wifi
I liked your post.
ReplyDeleteShould also read: Whatsapp vs BBM:
It's simple Whats APP is a Hog , I never really really know if the message is sent, I find it sluggish and missed texts happens if your a power instant messenger. I noticed freezing. BBM is easy, get a new phone like my Z10 and all my 35 BBm contacts got transferred with pictures with ease, no problems over here with this BBM user. Whats App on a Bold 9900 is basically horrible, but I did use it on my Android. Lets say 70% in power use mode and 80% in normal use mode when compared to BBM. But BBM on Z10 is just awesome the phone quality of BBM voice over 3G is A+++ and is way more efficient.
ReplyDeleteWell i fell bbm is btr than watsapp having a bit more features bt blackberry sux as compared to other smartphones soo buying a gud smartphone n using watsapp on it is way more advanced that using shitberry … i hope this helped